Race 3,000 miles across the globe for On Earth Peace!

Start logging on June 1st midnight local time. Your miles will boost your team and also help advance the On Earth Peace avatar along the US route!

Please select a location from the list that appears on the form when you type your hometown location to place your avatar on the map before the race starts.  (If you simply enter your address without selecting from the automated list, you will be placed in New Windsor, MD.)

You can log running or walking miles OR log minutes of nearly 80 modes of exercise, which our software converts into miles on the route. Currently, 69 participants on 0 teams are registered from companies around the globe!

About the challenge:

  • Recruit friends and colleagues to give money for On Earth Peace by sharing your personalized P2P fundraising links.
  • See other racers' locations around the globe before the challenge starts by entering a home location on registration.
  • Get Racery bling—a digital bib and an award when the challenge is over.
  • Log lots of inclusive activities that convert into miles that advance the On Earth Peace avatar 3,000 miles across America.
  • Post a photo or comment on other racers' logs.
  • Compete on leaderboards for miles and donations.

Every racer gets a personalized digital bib.

Cover 3,000 miles together.

Represent your hometown pre-race by entering a home location at signup! If you don't enter a home location, your avatar will show up at the starting line.</span >
If you're already signed up and logged in, please go directly to race page to participate.